TO: John Doe ABC Company 555 555 6789
DEAL ID:    123456789
We hereby confirm that, acting as agent on your instructions, we have arranged the following deal on your behalf:

Trade Date: April 29, 2024 1:25:10 AM GMT
Commodity Type: Ethane Contained in E/P Mix, Fixed Price
Buyer: Sally Smith, XYZ Company   555 555 1234
Seller: John Doe, ABC Company   555 555 6789
Strip: XXX24
Effective Date: Apr 28, 2024
Termination Date: Apr 28, 2024
Service Level: Firm
Delivery Point: Mt. Belv-Enterprise
Quantity: 0 bbl Monthly
Total Quantity: 0 bbl
Delivery Period: The Effective Date through the Termination Date
Fixed Price: 0.00000 USD / gal
Payment Terms: Buyer agrees to pay Seller via wire transfer five (5) working days after receipt of seller's invoice and supporting documents, unless otherwise stated by a master agreement between the Buyer and Seller.
Credit Terms: Standard credit terms as established between seller and buyer to apply.
Contract: Seller's contract terms to govern.
Other Terms: To be confirmed directly between the above parties in their full form of contract.
Additional Credit Terms: Transaction subject to buyer posting a bank letter of credit acceptable to seller.

IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. trusts that the above correctly reflects your understanding of the deal in question and thanks you for this opportunity to be of service. Please note that the role of IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. is to introduce potential counterparties by electronically broadcasting orders via the trading system, which matches bids and offers based upon counterparty parameters established by Participants. IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. is not responsible for, nor is the trading system a substitute for, your judgment and determination as to the merits of the terms, provisions or contingencies applicable to the transaction or the underlying product. Furthermore, IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. is not responsible for the financial condition and/or performance of either counterparty in this deal. Certain of the products traded refer to commodity price indices published by third parties. IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. has no affiliation with such third party index publishers and accepts no liability or responsibility with respect to any errors or omissions of such publishers.