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Index Administration

ICE NGX administers the following Index Families:

  • Natural Gas Indices, based on trading activity conducted on-screen on the ICE NGX exchange platform
  • Alberta Market Price benchmark, based on certain of ICE NGX’s Natural Gas Indices for the AB-NIT delivery point
  • Power Indices, based on auction trading activity conducted on ICE NGX’s auction platform for RRO products that are cleared through ICE NGX’s clearinghouse
  • Crude Oil Indices, based on brokered OTC physically settled trades
  • Environmental Indices, based on trading activity in ICE NGX’s physically settled Alberta Environmental Products conducted on-screen on the ICE NGX exchange platform


ICE NGX Natural Gas Indices are available through the ICE NGX Reports.

The Alberta Market Price and ICE NGX RRO Indices are available under Market Data.

ICE NGX Indices are also published via ICE Connect desktop services.

Please contact ICE Connect for more information on adding ICE NGX Indices to your ICE Connect or to start a new ICE Connect subscription.

Contact Information

Please contact the ICE NGX Hekpdesk at [email protected] for any service and support inquiries.

Please contact [email protected] for any concerns relating to the ICE NGX Indices.