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Our approach to managing both the risks and opportunities associated with environmental, social and governance factors includes strong oversight and cross-company collaboration.

Our directors are focused on managing sustainability risks and opportunities at both the full Board level and on multiple Board committees. At the committee level, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee is charged with reviewing and assessing the company’s environmental, social and governance initiatives and making recommendations to the company to further its sustainability goals (NCGC Charter). The committee reviews sustainability matters at two or more meetings each year. In addition to the mandate of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, important aspects of managing these risks and opportunities are a focus for the following committees:

  • Risk Committee – Cybersecurity and climate related risks
  • Compensation Committee – Human capital management issues, including diversity and pay parity

Each committee briefs the full Board on topics addressed at the committee level and the full Board further discusses issues as needed.